
Custody cases can reshape a family. We’ll help you make a plan to keep your kids at the center of it, even when they live in two separate homes.

What people are saying

“There are no words to appropriately describe Ryan's expertise and professionalism, but I will try.

I hired Ryan as a result of being a defendant on a custody compliant. I felt that my situation was unique since I was not interested in contesting shared-parenting that was being requested by my ex. I was truly looking for an understanding and solution to why my daughter no longer wished to spend time with the other parent. I explained to Ryan the great level of protest she had to spending time with her father and how I was still encouraging contact and visits even though she would protest.

Ryan was very sympathetic to my situation, as well as the emotional distress that my daughter was experiencing. He immediately provided a referral to an exceptional therapist (that wasn't accepting referrals, but he convinced her to take my daughter as a new patient).

As for the legal guidance and representation he provided, I doubt that many attorneys could compare to Ryan. He understood my goal/intention (to ensure the physical and emotional well-being of my daughter), as well as my desire not to engage combatively with my high-conflict ex.

Keeping my goals in mind, Ryan was very strategic and deliberate in how he interacted with the opposing counsel and the Guardian. Although my ex often tried to fight just for the sake of fighting, Ryan effectively navigated this and delivered the desired outcome.

In the end, I had a clear understanding of what was going on with my daughter, she re-established a connection/time with her father and there is now a clear, concise parenting agreement that helps to minimize conflict with my ex.

This is solely thanks to Ryan's legal expertise and effective approach. Not to mention that he constructed about 95% of the parenting agreement. Often times having to correct the errors of the opposing counsel and even take initiative to reach out to her to reconcile issues that were barriers to resolving case.

I could not be happier with the outcome of my case. Ryan is ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!”

— Kristen